Kit Contents MMDX

Technically, your aircraft and remote combination is unsupported. Our step-down module supports a maximum of 6S battery packs. Please talk to us if you are still interested in proceeding with a booster board order. We can attempt to source a step-down board for your requirements. Or, you can attempt to source a step-down board yourself.

  • 2 x Booster Boards
  • 1 x Step-down Power Modules
  • 2 x MMCX to MMCX Antenna Connectors
  • 1 x Relay
  • 1 x Power Switch
  • 1 x Hookup Wire Pack

Your booster boards will be either FCC or CE models depending on the options selected in your order.

documentation/booster/specific/kit/kitmmdxa.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/16 04:25 by gregk